Some law firms provide estate liquidation services according to the system adopted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What is the concept of estate liquidation and division? What are the most important procedures related to it? Who are the people qualified to provide this service? How can you obtain it with complete professionalism and expertise?
The concept of estate in language and terminology
The estate in language is a noun derived from leaving something, so it is said: I left something as a legacy, and the plural is estates. It is known that the estate is everything that the deceased leaves behind in terms of cash, real estate, movable property, and the like, which the heirs complete the procedures for listing and dividing it according to the provisions of Islamic law.
The estate is generally divided into tangible assets represented by cash, real estate, property, and the like, and intangible assets represented by debts and family relationships. Whatever the type of estate, many people prefer to contract with an estate liquidation lawyer specialized in this field to help them and facilitate them in completing these procedures legally.
Some terms related to estate liquidation issues
The following is an explanation of the most important terms related to estate liquidation issues in Saudi Arabia as follows:
Inheritance: It is a divisible right, proven to its beneficiaries after the death of the one who had it due to the existence of a kinship between them.
The rights related to the estate are four: preparing the deceased for burial, paying his debts if they exist, implementing what he bequeathed before his death, and implementing the rights of the heirs.
Ownership of the estate, which is forcibly transferred to the heirs on the condition of the death of the testator, the life of the heir, knowledge of the direction of the inheritance, and the kinship.
Increases to the estate, meaning the growth of its assets after the death of the testator, and it has special provisions, whether it is free of debts or indebted.
The estate liquidation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on the provisions of Islamic Sharia, and the Saudi Ministry of Justice has specified some procedures that you must follow in the event of inheritance, and to ensure that this is achieved, you can contact us to obtain the best lawyer specialized in this field who provides you with all relevant legal services, and represents you in such cases of yours.
Estate Liquidation Procedures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Before detailing the estate liquidation procedures, it is worth mentioning the most important conditions that must be met before filing a liquidation lawsuit as follows:
The existence of an estate, which is the money left behind by the deceased, and the acceptance of possession such as cash, real estate, copyrights, trademarks, etc.
The money must be fixed in the ownership of the deceased and not disputed.
The estate must not be of simple value, as the process of filing a lawsuit may be more expensive than the value of the estate, and thus nothing remains for the heirs.
After that, the most important procedures for liquidating estates according to the Saudi system are as follows:
Submitting the required documents to the competent authorities “Civil Status Office” which includes a photo of the deceased, the civil status card and the family card, so that the death certificate can be issued.
Issuing an official heirs inventory document, which shows the data of the deceased and all his heirs and the kinship between each of them and the deceased.
Issuing an estate inventory document, which shows all the deceased’s assets from balances, real estate, stocks, movables, etc. after contacting all relevant government agencies.
The best solution to confront the various difficulties that you may face in estate liquidation cases in Saudi Arabia is to contract with Sahl Law Firm, where an elite group of specialized lawyers perform their tasks in the best possible way, and overcome all obstacles that include:
The existence of disputes between the heirs.
The diversity of the estate and the difficulty of limiting it.
The existence of debts or mortgages on the estate.
The existence of the estate outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The estate that has no heirs.
The estate for non-Saudis.
In the previous cases and others, a lawyer with extensive knowledge and professional experience can deal professionally with such cases, and complete their procedures in the best possible way, in record time and in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law, which is what is called an estate liquidation lawyer and the person responsible for managing the deceased’s estate and distributing it in a legitimate and legal manner to the heirs.
The most important conditions required to complete the estate inventory procedures
The following are some of the conditions and documents required to complete the estate inventory procedures:
Submitting an official document proving the identity of the deceased.
Submitting evidence of the date and cause of death.
The presence of the person “requesting the estate inventory” with proof of his relationship to the deceased, provided that he is a representative of the rest of the heirs with a power of attorney from them.
The presence of one of the legal heirs.
The presence of witnesses accepted by the court other than the original or subsidiary heirs.
It is worth noting that we seek to implement our tasks in this field in the best possible way, such as inventorying the estate, working to preserve and manage it, and collecting debts amicably or judicially, etc. under the supervision of the competent courts, and until the completion of all estate liquidation procedures.
What we provide of legal services to our clients in the field of estate liquidation
Proof of the validity of the deceased’s wills.
Drafting contracts related to wills and estates.
Issuing the estate deed electronically from the official website of the Saudi Ministry of Justice.
Providing legal consultations in the field of estate liquidation.
Issuing and documenting the estate inventory document.
Supervising the liquidation of estates.
Representing clients and principals before the judicial authorities.
Settling disputes related to the estate.
Issuing the estate deed electronically through the official website of the Saudi Ministry of Justice.
We seek to provide these services and others in order to meet the requirements of our clients, achieve justice, and reduce disputes that may arise between heirs, in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia and the laws adopted in the Kingdom.
Types of Estate Liquidation in Saudi Arabia
At Sahl Law Firm, we liquidate voluntary or judicial estates of any type as follows:
Real estate.
Estates that include debts or mortgages.
The most important documents that the client must submit
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